1. Motivation积极性
你需要告诉你的雇主你就是他们要找的那个有积极性主动性的潜力股!举个例子, “Set challenging goals and achieved those goals through persistence, dedication, and commitment.”(我总是)设定有挑战性的目标并通过坚持不懈的努力和全身心的投入完成它。
或者说,“Identified weaknesses in the networking system and implemented a cost effective program to improve functionality and decrease cost.“(我)曾确认识别了一个网络系统中的缺点并设计了更高效的程序去改进功能并降低成本。
2. Communication Skills沟通技巧
沟通是融入一个组织或公司的金钥匙,是每个人的必备技能。看看下面这些例子值不值得借鉴:“I wrote clear and concise guidelines for the implementation of the networking“ 为了这个网络的实施我写了简明扼要的指导方针。 ”
Or“I was the project manager of a multimillion dollar upgrade project that will save the company $2 million dollars each year. ”
3. Organizational Skills组织技能
每个职位都期望这个雇员身上有一定的组织能力。你可以这样说:“I coordinated and scheduled all Little League games for the summer season,” or “Implemented the step by step plan for prioritizing patient care.”
4. Leadership Skills领导力
可能你没有想过这件事情,但其实每一个人都有一定的领导能力。“I supervised and motivated my team of 10 employees,”我监督并激励由10名员工组成的团队, 或者说, “I hired, and evaluated, the performance of the sales personal in the electronics department.”我曾雇佣并评估了电子部门销售人员的表现。
5. Flexibility (adaptability)灵活性
雇主们期望求职者有强大的适应能力和灵活性去不断配合公司的发展或转型。“Adapted quickly to restructuring of electronics department and the relocation to computer department.”“电力部门重组后,我很快适应了在计算机部门的工作”。
6. Professionalism专业性
这一点毋庸置疑,谁不想拥有一个能力强大又专业的员工呢?连电脑都是pro的更畅销。这一点呢,不仅要在面试中自我介绍时提到,还应该放在简历里, 比如说“I received the annual award for excelling in professionalism and customer excellence.” “我曾获得过专业能力及客户服务优秀年度奖”。