

Undergraduate Bachelor Degrees

Bachelor of Arts

Study the complex cultural and social issues, past and present, that address real world concerns. Majors in Aboriginal Art (minor only), Anthropology, Applied Disaster & Emergency Studies, Business Administration, Canadian Studies, Classical and Modern Languages, Creative Arts, Drama (minor only), Economics, English, French, Gender & Women’s studies, Geography, German (minor only), History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Liberal Arts, Music, Native Languages (minor only), Native Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Rural & Community Studies, and Sociology.Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Business Administration

A specialized program that prepares you for a career in accounting, business administration, management or entrepreneurship.

Business Administration website

Bachelor of Education

Once you have your first degree, this two-year program will teach you how to teach in the early, middle and senior years. Programs for music and physical education teachers are available. Special Northern, Hutterian, and Aboriginal teacher programs are available.

Requirements – The BEd(AD) is a two-year education program designed for students with a B.A., B.Sc., B.P.E.S., B.Mus. or equivalent degree who wish to teach. Satisfactory completion of a Criminal Records Check and a Child Abuse Registry Check is required to gain entrance into all Education degree programs requiring placement in Manitoba Schools for Field Experiences (student teaching). Please visit the calendar or Faculty of Education website for requirements to enter Early, Middle or Senior year routes.

Faculty of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts

A professional studio-based program offering four-year majors and minors in Aboriginal Art, Art and Visual Culture (minor only), Drawing, Ceramics, Digital Media & Design, and Painting.

Department of Visual and Aboriginal Art

Pre-Bachelor of Indigenous Health & Human Services

The Indigenous Health & Human Services (IHHS) Degree Program is an innovative program that provides instruction in Indigenous perspectives of holistic health and wellness; traditional approaches to healing and Western intervention theories and skills.  Students interested in pursuing a Degree in Indigenous Health & Human Services  must complete a pre-IHHS year and are required to meet with a Student Advisor prior to course registration.

Pre-Bachelor of Indigenous Health & Human Services

Bachelor of Physical Education Studies

Intended to prepare students for admission to the Bachelor of Education program at Brandon University. This degree can also be modified to assist students in gaining knowledge and experience in other careers related to physical education and recreation.

Bachelor of Music

With over 100 years experience, the School of Music is reputed to be one of Canada’s finest. Programs are offered in music education, performance and many other areas.

Faculty of Music

Bachelor of Nursing

This four year professional program prepares graduates to work in a variety of challenging and rewarding health care settings with individuals, families and communities in promoting, maintaining and strengthening health.

Requirements – Students interested in pursuing a Degree in Nursing must complete a pre-nursing year first and are required to meet with the Bachelor of Nursing Student Advisor prior to course registration. Satisfactory completion of a Criminal Record Check and a Child Abuse Registry Check is required prior to the application into second year.

Faculty of Health Studies

Bachelor of Science

Study various aspects of science at all levels from broad, theoretical models to basic experiments that reveal the principles governing our world. Majors and minors in Applied Disaster & Emergency Studies, Biology (botany/zoology), Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy as well as Psychology. There are also joint programs in Urban Forestry/Horticulture, Water Quality Technology and Wildlife Management.

Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

To address environmental issues from a broad perspective, awareness of environmental issues facing society will go together with a firm foundation in physical, life, and social sciences.  Three streams:  resource management, physical sciences, and biodiversity.

Environmental Science website

Bachelor of Science Distributed Major

This program is appropriate for anyone who wishes a broad, yet comprehensive grounding in the sciences. This program is ideal for those wishing to teach grades 5-12.

Distributed Major (B.Sc.)

Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing

A unique four-year professional program prepares graduates for a rewarding career in health care. Psychiatric nursing is concerned with health, especially the mental health of individuals, families and communities. Program offered in Brandon and Winnipeg.

Requirements – Students interested in pursuing a Degree in Psychiatric Nursing must complete a pre-psychiatric nursing year first and are required to meet with the Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing Student Advisor prior to course registration.  Students are also required to have a satisfactory completion of a Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check performed prior to the application deadline of May 1.

Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing

Post Diploma in Mental Health

Requirements – Applications will be accepted from students who have graduated from an approved diploma program in psychiatric nursing. Applicants must be eligible for active practising membership with the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba (C.R.P.N.M). Satisfactory completion of a Criminal Record Check and a Child Abuse Registry Check is required. The deadline for the receipt of application is June 1 with a registration deadline of June 30.Bachelor of Science in Mental Health

Certificate Programs

Pre-professional Programs

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[加拿大布兰登大学本科课程介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-05-27 22:51:27
布兰登大学(Brandon University)

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