
Costs & Tuition

Once you are accepted, North Island College will send you an official Letter of Invitation, which asks you to pay your first term tuition and fees. Find out more about how much you can expect to pay and when with the following links.

The following table provides the most current costs and fees for your program. All fees are subject to change.

Current Tuition & Fees by Term (unless otherwise stated)

Tuition by Program


English Language Programs (ELP): 
ELP CORE Full-time (21 hours/wk)

$4,600 / term 
$2,300 / 7-week term

ELP Plus (24 hours/wk)

$5,000 / term

ELP Intensive (27 hours/wk)

$5,400 / term

ELP Super Intensive (30 hours/wk)

$5,800 / term

Academic Upgrading 

$5,355 / term

Undergraduate Academic Programs:
University Studies, Associate Degrees, Business,
Fine Arts, Interactive Media, Criminology Diploma

$5,355 / term

One Year Post Degree Diploma:
Accounting, International Management,
Human Resources Management (subject to approval),
Management, Marketing

13,387.50 / program

Two Year Post Degree Diploma:
Global Business Management

$5,355 / term

Vocational Programs:
Aircraft Structures, Electronics Foundation, 
Early Childhood Care & Education

$10,710 / program

Career Programs: 
Social Services Diploma, 
Tourism & Hospitality Management Diploma

$5,355 / four-month term
$2,677.50 / two-month term

Tourism & Hospitality Management 
Diploma, first-term fee


Co-operative Education

$1,338.75 / course

Student Services Fees


North Island Student Union Fee

$50 / term (approx.)

International Student Services Fee

$100 / term

Other Fees


Application Fee

$100 (non-refundable)

Accommodation Referral / Placement Fee



Not included in tuition, fees vary with courses. ELP texts are $200 / term (approx.) Texts for other programs are $150-200 / course or $1,500-2,000 / year (based on five courses / term)


Not included in tuition, fees vary with courses. Lab fees vary $10/course for sciences and computers; $50 / term for fine arts.


Not included in tuition, costs vary by program


1 Tuition for unique programs such as coastal adventure tourism, adventure tourism, and professional photography have additional fees. Contact study@nic.bc.ca to confirm the fees for your program.

2 Applicants who are accepted receive a Letter of Invitation. This letter asks you to pay your first term tuition and fees. When the tuition and fees are received, your official Letter of Acceptance is couriered to you.

3 All fees are subject to change.


Fees to North Island College may be paid by one of the following methods:

· Cash – when paying on site at North Island College.
Do not send cash in the mail.

· Credit Card via NIC Connect – This is NIC’s online secure student information centre. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
As of Nov. 1, 2010 when you complete your online application you will receive a user name and password when applying. Keep your user name and password secure. As a student you may use NIC Connect to make all your tuition and fee payments on a secure website.

· Wire funds from your bank to the College’s bank account – please contactstudy@nic.bc.ca for wire transfer information.

· Money order or cheque in Canadian funds drawn from a Canadian bank or post office payable to North Island College.
Please send it to: 
North Island College International 
2300 Ryan Road 
Courtenay, BC Canada 
V9N 8N6


New Students: Tuition and fees for the first term of study are due no later than 30 days from the date on the Letter of Invitation. North Island College can only guarantee a seat in your designated program for 30 days.

Continuing Students: Tuition and fees must be paid one month prior to the start of the next term. Deadline dates for continuing students are listed below. If full fees are not paid by the deadline date, a $300 penalty will be charged.

Fall Term

Winter Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

July 30 

November 30

March 30

May 30


New applicants may be eligible to apply for a refund in exceptional circumstances only. Requests for a proportional refund may be approved by the Executive Director, International Education upon receipt of a written request outlining the specific circumstances. The approval or rejection of a request for a refund will be determined based on the rationale provided in the submission. Circumstances of medical or immediate family emergencies will be considered.

Students who provide written proof that their study permit was denied by Canada Immigration will receive a refund less a $200 processing fee and any further applicable charges (such as courier fees). The proof must be submitted within three months of the date of the letter from Canada Immigration.


Many international students wonder what it will cost to live in Canada. This chart will give you some information so you can ensure you have enough money to pay your education costs as well as accommodation, and still have some left over for fun activities. Please note the Canadian Government also expects you to be financially independent. Please see federal Proof of Financial Support rules.

2010/2011 Academic School Budget for Eight Months 
(Effective to September 2011)

Education Costs

See tuition & fee schedules above

Living Costs



One term = four months 
Two terms = eight months

Homestay ($750 / month)




Bus pass ($36 / month)




Medical Insurance ($60/month)




Monthly Allowance ($100 / month)




Long distance calls home



Costs vary depending on where your family lives

      Total living costs





Examples of the cost of other services

Fleece Vest






Loaf of Bread


Litre of Juice






Ski Pass (full season)


Dinner out


Whale watching tour




Chocolate bar


Musical concert


10-visit swimming pass


Note: Other tuition and refund information found in other pages at the North Island College website do not apply to International students.

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[加拿大北岛学院学费信息一览] 文章生成时间为:2012-06-15 23:46:08
北岛学院(North Island College)
  • 院校名称:北岛学院
  • 学校类型:公立学院
  • 建校时间:1975年
  • 学生人数:10000人
  • 院校地址:North Island College International Admissions 2300 Ryan Road Courtenay, BC Canada V9N 8N6
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/ca/nic/
  • 北岛学院成立于1975年,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛,是政府投资建立的公立社区学院。学院共有全日制学生将近1万人,教师人数800。…[详细介绍]

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