Aboriginal Health Worker Certificate (not currently offered)
Accounting Assistant Certificate
Administrative Assistant Certificate
Administrative Assistant Fundamentals Certificate
Adult Academic and Career Preparation Programs
Advanced Certificate in Communication
Advanced Culinary Arts Diploma
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) M-License
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category 'S' (Structures)
American Sign Language (ASL) Certificate (not currently offered)
Analytical Chemistry Technology Diploma (not currently offered)
Applied Science (Engineering Program)
Audio Engineering and Music Production Certificate
Automotive Collision Repair (now offered as Collision Repair Technician Certificate) (not currently offered)
Automotive Collision Repair Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Automotive Refinishing (now offered as Collision Repair Technician Certificate) (not currently offered)
Automotive Refinishing Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Automotive Service Technician Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting Specialty
Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance Specialty
Bachelor of Business Administration - Hospitality and Tourism Management Specialty
Bachelor of Business Administration - Human Resources Management Specialty
Bachelor of Business Administration - Management Specialty
Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing Specialty
Bachelor of Business Administration Honours Program
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems Degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Years 1 and 2)
Bachelor of Science in Wood Products Processing (UBC transfer program)
Banking Customer Service Certificate (not currently offered)
Bookkeeping Bridging Certificate (Distance)
Bridging Program into the BBA - Associate of Arts Bridge
Bridging Program into the BBA - Technology and CIS Bridge
Business Administration Certificate
Business Administration Diploma - Accounting Option
Business Administration Diploma - Financial Services Option
Business Administration Diploma - General Studies Option
Business Administration Diploma - Hospitality and Tourism Management Option
Business Administration Diploma - Human Resources Management Option
Business Administration Diploma - Management Option
Business Administration Diploma - Marketing Option
Business Administration, Post-Diploma Certificate
Business Studies Certificate - Accounting
Business Studies Certificate - Business Computer Applications
Business Studies Certificate - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Business Studies Certificate - Financial Services
Business Studies Certificate - Hospitality and Tourism Management
Business Studies Certificate - Human Resources Management
Business Studies Certificate - Marketing
Business Studies Certificate - Operations Management
Business Studies Certificate for Healthcare Professionals
Business and Trades Certificate for International Students (not currently offered)
Career Facilitator Certificate
Career Facilitator Certificate (Distance)
Carpentry (not currently offered)
Carpentry Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Certified Dental Assistant Certificate
Civil Engineering Technology Diploma
Collision Repair Technician Certificate
Commercial Transport Vehicle Mechanic Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Communication, Advanced Certificate
Community Brain Injury Services Certificate (Distance) (not currently offered)
Computer Animation Certificate (not currently offered)
Computer Basics for Business Certificate (not currently offered)
Computer Information Systems Diploma
Computer Information Systems, Bachelor Degree
Computer Proficiency for Business Certificate (not currently offered)
Concentration in Communication
Construction Assistant (not currently offered)
Construction Electrician Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Conveyancing and Litigation, Introductory (not currently offered)
Cook Training Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Criminal and Social Justice, Diploma
Dental Office Administrative Assistant Certificate
Desktop Support Technician Certificate (not currently offered)
Diploma in Criminal and Social Justice
Diploma in Environmental Studies
Diploma in Media and Cultural Studies
Diploma in Writing and Publishing (English)
Early Childhood Education - Infant Toddler Certificate
Early Childhood Education - School-Age Care Certificate (not currently offered)
Early Childhood Education Diploma
Education Assistant Certificate
Electrician Pre-Apprenticeship
Electronic Engineering Technology Bridge to UBC Okanagan Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering Technology Diploma
Electronic Publishing Certificate (not currently offered)
English as a Second Language (for Domestic Students)
Entrepreneurial Skills Certificate (not currently offered)
Environmental Studies, Diploma
Experiential Education Facilitator Certificate (not currently offered)
Geographical Information Systems Certificate
Gerontology Certificate (not currently offered)
Golf Course Maintenance Certificate
Green Building Design and Construction Certificate
Health Care Assistant Certificate
Healthcare Services Certificate (not currently offered)
Hearing Assistant Certificate (not currently offered)
Heavy Duty and Commercial Transport Mechanics
Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Access to Practical Nursing (not currently offered)
Honours Bachelor of Science - Oenology and Viticulture (Brock University transfer program)
Human Kinetics Diploma Pathway to the BBA
Intensive English Communication Program (Vernon)
Intensive Language Development Program (English&nb, sp;for Academic Purposes - Kelowna)
Interior Decorating Certificate
International Development Diploma
International Welding Level "C" Certificate (not currently offered)
Introduction to Office Administration Certificate
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controls Certificate (not currently offered)
Introductory Conveyancing and Litigation (not currently offered)
Introductory Silviculture - Nursery Production Certificate (not currently offered)
Landscape Horticulture Certificate
Learner Centred Instructor Certificate
Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate
Life Skills Facilitator Certificate (not currently offered)
Management Skills for Supervisors Certificate
Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma
Media and Cultural Studies, Diploma
Medical Administrative Assistant Certificate
Medical Device Reprocessing Certificate
Medical Laboratory Assistant Certificate (not currently offered)
Medical Office Assistant Certificate
Metal Fabricator (Fitter) Certificate
Ministry of Education Development Testing Services (GED)
Network and Telecommunications Engineering Technology Diploma
Nursing - Practical Nursing Diploma
Nursing Unit Assistant Certificate
Nursing, Bachelor of Science (Years 1 and 2)
Office Administration Certificate, Introduction
Okanagan College Electronic Engineering Technology Bridge to UBC Okanagan Electrical Engineering
PACE (Preparing for Access to Careers and Education)
Part-Time English Language Development Program
Pathway to Professional Accounting
Pharmacy Technician Certificate
Pharmacy Technician Certificate (Distance)
Plumber Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate
Plumbing and Piping Trades Certificate
Post-Diploma Certificate in Business Administration
Practical Nursing Certificate (not currently offered)
Production and Inventory Management Certificate
Programmable Logic Controls Certificate, Introduction (not currently offered)
Recreation Vehicle Service Technician
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate
Residential Building Drafting Technician Certificate
SAME (Supported Access to Modified Education)
Sheet Metal Worker Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate (not currently offered)
Silviculture - Nursery Production Certificate, Introductory (not currently offered)
Special Needs Worker Certificate
Staffing Services Clerk Certificate
Steel Work Certificate (not currently offered)
Studio Woodworking Certificate
Sustainable Construction Management Technology Diploma (not currently offered)
Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate
Trades Technology Teacher Education
Water Engineering Technology Diploma
Welding Interprovincial Refresher Certificate (not currently offered)
Welding Upgrading and Test Procedures
Writing and Publishing, Diploma
Xeriscape Certificate (not currently offered)