
2011-2012 Schedule of Fees

All fees are due and payable as of the first day of classes (September 5, 2012 for the Fall semester and January 3, 2013 for the Winter semester). Payment must be by cash, money order, certified cheque, Visa, MasterCard, or debit card. Any student with an unpaid account at the end of the second week of classes will be permitted to continue only 

Click here to see typical student cost scenarios.

Undergraduate Tuition Fees
(Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents)
The University reserves the right to make changes without notice in its published scale of charges for tuition, accommodations and meals, and other fees.
The rates shown below are the rates for the 2012/2013 academic year.


Price per Course

Degree level


Technical level


Introductory Studies (non-credit)


WorkPlace Readiness Courses (non-credit)


* Note: Full-time Nova Scotia degree/technology program students are eligible for a Nova Scotia Bursary of $1283.00 based on a full course load (e.g. 10 courses per year for a degree student). Full-time non Nova Scotia Canadian degree and technology students will receive a $261.00 Nova Scotia Bursary.


Note: Veterinary Technology Specific Courses are charged at $483 per course.

Note: An additional Distance Education Course Fee of $45 is charged for all distance education course sections (all 'W' sections).

Undergraduate Tuition Fees 
(Non-Canadian Citizens)


Price per Course

Degree level


Technical level


Introductory Studies (non-credit)


WorkPlace Readiness Courses (non-credit)


† Veterinary Technology Specific Courses are charged at $966 per course.

Note: An additional Distance Education Course Fee of $45 is charged for all distance education course sections (all 'W' sections).


Full-time students (approx./year)


Student Fees 

Full-time Students (per semester)
A full-time student fee is applicable to students registered in three or more courses in a semester. It is compulsory and non-refundable. The fee includes Athletics, IT Renewal, Caution/Development Fund, Student Union, and Health Service fees.

Full-time Student Fee

$266 per semester

Part-time Students (per course)
This part time student fee is applicable to students who are registered in one or two courses in a semester. It is compulsory and non-refundable. Part-time students receive a student card.

Part-time Student Fee


Health and Dental Insurance

All full-time students at NSAC are automatically enrolled in the Student Health and Dental plans when they register for classes (international students are added to the plan once they are approved for MSI coverage). The premium for each plan is an annual one; therefore the process for opting out must be done prior to the specified deadline. The deadline each year coincides with NSAC's last date to register for a course. More information regarding your Student Health and Dental plans can be found at www.gallivan.ca or by visiting your on-site Student Benefits Plan Office(Main Floor, NSAC Dairy Building).

Health and Dental Insurance


Other Program-related Fees

Full-time students in the Veterinary Technology program are charged an additional Materials and Service Fee. Currently this fee is $97 per semester and is payable at time of registration. For a complete list of supplies and services that are provided to Animal Health Technology students in return for this fee, contact the Department of Plant and Animal Sciences.

Students in the Diploma in Enterprise Management program are required to pay an additional $85 fee for workplace readiness training such as First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety.

Residence and Meal Plan Fees

The following Semester rates are in effect in 2012-2013:



Shared room and 7 day meal plan


Private room and 7 day meal plan


Large private room and 7 day meal plan


Other Residence Fees (per semester)


House Fee


Laundry Fee



Withdrawal from the University and/or residence is not effective until the student has completed the appropriate documentation as specified in the Calendar and the Residence Handbook, and has returned their ID Card to Student Services.

Student fees will be refunded to students who withdraw during the second week of the semester. After the second week, there will be no refund except in the case of a withdrawal for health or other compelling compassionate reasons.

Tuition Fees
Refunds for students who withdraw from the University will be as follows:

Until the end of 10th class day


Until the end of 15th class day


Until the end of 20th class day


Until the end of 25th class day


Beyond 25th class day

No refund

Residence Fees
Students who accept a place in residence and fail to cancel their residence application (in writing) prior to May 31 (returning students) prior to June 30 (first time students) for the fall semester and November 30 for the winter semester, will forfeit their residence deposit or be levied a $300 cancellation fee. Room fees are charged from the first day that residences are officially open. Students who withdraw from residence will be charged room fees as follows:

1st week (or any part thereof) residences are open


2nd week (or any part thereof) residences are open


3rd week (or any part thereof) residences are open


From the end of the third week 100% of the room fee for the semester will be charged.

Meal fees are charged on a per-week basis for each week or part week prior to the student's official withdrawal from residence.

Non-payment of Fees

If fees are owing, you must arrange with Financial Services to pay outstanding fees before registration will be permitted.

Transcripts will not be issued to students with outstanding accounts.

Changes in Fee Schedule
The University reserves the right to make changes without notice in its published scale of charges for tuition, accommodations and meals, and other fees.

For more information, please contact the Registrar's Office.

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[加拿大新斯科舍省农业学院学费信息一览] 文章生成时间为:2012-06-17 23:41:29

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