调整前:All pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years 您在过去5年中所有持有过的护照的所有页面
调整后:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents)您在过去5年中所有持有过的护照的所有页面的复印件(如果您护照上所盖的印章不是英语或法语,请将它们翻译出来,具体要求请参见《文件的翻译》)
附:Translation of documents
Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by
· the English or French translation
· a certified copy of the document;
· a translator‘s declaration
The declaration must include the translator’s name, the original language of the translated document and a statement signed by the translator that the translation is accurate. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit。
· 英语或法语的翻译件;
· 经核证的文件复印件;
· 译者的宣誓。
调整前:A copy of your Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency for two (2) years within the past five (5) years 加拿大税务局开具的、过去5年中2年的税单的复印件。
调整后:A copy of other Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years, 加拿大税务局开具的、过去5年的税单的复印件。