1. 加拿大留学签证政策变革一:就读学校须与注册学校一致
Applicants must enroll in and continue to pursue studies in Canada.Failure to do so could lead to removal from Canada.
2. 加拿大留学签证政策变革二:限定学生可申请学校范围
Study permits will only be issued to successful applicants who arepursuing studies at an educational institution that has been designated toreceive international students.
3. 加拿大留学签证政策变革三:学生签证享受每周不超过20小时工作时间
Study permits will automatically authorize the holder to work off-campusfor up to 20 hours per week during the academic session and full-time duringscheduled breaks without the need to apply for a separate work permit. Thestudy permit holder must be pursuing academic, vocational or professionaltraining of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificateat a designated institution.
获得学生签证的学生,会被自动授予校外工作许可 ,上课期间每周工作不能超过20个小时,放假期间可以全职工作,而不需要再另外申请工签。允许打工的学生必须是正规学习6个月以上的学生。
4. 加拿大留学签证政策变革四:实习工签仅限定于政府认可教育机构
Only international students who are pursuing studies at a secondaryschool or at a designated institution may apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if aco-op placement is an integral part of their course of study.
5. 加拿大留学签证政策变革五:访问签证持有人在加拿大境内可以申请学生签证
Visitors may apply for a study permit from within Canada if they are atthe pre-school, primary or secondary level, are on an academic exchange or avisiting student at a designated learning institution, or have completed acourse or program of study that is a condition for acceptance at a designatedlearning institution.
交换生和访问生 (包括学前、小学和中学) 可以在加拿大境内申请学签。
6. 加拿大留学签证政策变革六:毕业后学生签证有效期90天后失效
A study permit becomes invalid 90 days following the completion ofstudies unless the foreign national also possesses a valid work permit oranother authorization to remain in Canada.
7. 加拿大留学签证政策变革七:等候工签办理期间可全日制工作
Eligible international graduates will be authorized to work full-timeafter their studies are completed until a decision is made on their applicationfor a Post-Graduate Work Permit.
1) 优化留学群体。把教育和移民机会留给那些真正踏踏实实在加拿大读书的学生。
2) 规范留学市场。政府提高私立学校取得签证的门槛,对教育机构的划分更加明确。
3) 放宽打工政策。对正规全日制学生而言,学签=自带工签,无需额外申请校外打工许可。
4) 加速落实意向。学生在毕业以后三个月内必须明确和落实自己的去留意向,要么继续深造要么马上就业,否则就必须离开加国。