立思辰留学360介绍:不列颠哥伦比亚大学(http://www.ubc.ac.cn/ )对本科生提供的奖助学金项目有:Major Entrance Scholarships、AP Achievement Scholarship、President‘s Entrance Scholarships、Irving K. Barber Scholarships、International Leader of Tomorrow Award、Awards Recommended by Faculties、Wesbrook Scholarship和Premier Undergraduate
Scholarships 等,但大多数奖助学金项目只针对加拿大该国学生,提供给本科留学生的项目比较有限,其中有:International Leader of Tomorrow Award、Internatioanl Student Humanitarian Award及President’s Entrance Scholarship、International Leader of Tomorrow Award
针对学业成绩突出,但存在经济困难的海外本科留学生,奖金额从14,000加元到34,000加元不等,需提出申请。President’s Entrance Scholarship 则提供给一年级的海外留学生新生,此奖学金不需申请,会根据入学者的状况进行分类,详情见下表:
Secondary school students
Average at point of admissionAward
95% or better,or IB diploma 36 or better$5,000 scholarship
Early registration date
Priority assignment with UBC Housing & Conferences
90% to 94.99%,or IB diploma 32 to 35$3,000 scholarship
Early registration date
Priority assignment with UBC Housing & Conferences
86% to 89.99%,or IB diploma 30 to 31$1,000 scholarship
Early registration date
College,university,or technical institute students
Credits and GPA at point of admissionAward
24 or more transferable credits with a GPA of 3.95 or
better$3,000 scholarship
Early registration date
7 to 23 transferable credits with a final admission average of
3.95 or better$1,000 scholarship
Early registration date
Technical diploma with a GPA of 3.95 or better$1,000
Early registration date
1、由学校研究生院提供的以学术为基础的各类奖项、奖学金及助学金,包括:University Graduate Fellowships、Izaak Walton Killam Predoctoral Fellowships、endowed awards及annual donors。